Oct 27 2008

No Red Alert 3 For Me

Published by at 5:01 pm under Gaming

I was very close to buying Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 today after seeing a very nice introduction/tutorial video. But due to the inclusion of SecuROM, I’ve decided not to buy it.

As I mentioned recently, Spore had that digital rights management in it and is one of the reasons I declined buying it. Spore doesn’t look nearly as good as RA3 to me. I’ve not bought a new PC game in a very, very long time and as long as DRM is included, it’ll be a pretty long time before I buy another game. That’s kind of sad that good games aren’t being ruined by DRM.

For me, I want to be able to install a game as many times as I want. I want to be able to come back in 10 years and still be able to play the game, not be locked out because I’ve already installed it X number of times and therefore I must be a thief. I’m tired of all this right now. I would have snatched up Red Alert 3 in a heartbeat if I learned SecuROM wasn’t going to be included.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “No Red Alert 3 For Me”

  1. Ogreon 27 Oct 2008 at 7:16 pm

    Yet, again. I think this form of DRM treats the legitimate user as a criminal. Don’t these guys get it: Don’t treat honest customers like this otherwise they’ll just not guy your game, no matter how good it is.

  2. Railwolfon 28 Oct 2008 at 6:11 pm

    And the pirates still get to play the game anyway…

  3. Jameson 28 Oct 2008 at 7:27 pm

    Exactly. The SecuROM stops very few people from pirating the game. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just punishing those of us who want to buy the game and use it for legitimate installations.

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