Mar 06 2007

Oh, my back!

Published by at 2:05 am under Personal

After finishing some work for IGN Guides on Sunday, I took a little nap. I woke up with a sore back. That night, I went to sleep hoping things would be better in the morning. Unfortunately, it was worse. I then proceeded to make a bad decision: go ahead with my daily exercise session at the local gym. Oh, damn, was that stupid. I can’t say it made things much worse, but it really didn’t improve things. I did my normal weights, none of which include things like squats. My session on the treadmill, however, only lasted about four excruciating minutes. So much for my usual half-hour. I came home and I’ve been in and out of bed all day.

I’m writing this blog entry at 2 am on Tuesday morning after taking another nap. I can’t seem to get rid of the pain. I’ve tried every type of aspirin in the house and nothing works. While in bed, I tried to do everything I could think of to see if I could get something in my back to pop in/out… whatever would get this fixed. So far, nothing has worked.

I cannot stand up or sit down straight. I’m leaning towards my right, as trying to do anything straight up or to the left hurts like hell. The only semi-comfortable position I can find is lying down on my side in bed. I’m not sure about you, but I’m not very productive during a day being confined to a bed.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Oh, my back!”

  1. […] « Oh, my back! […]

  2. James Chamberlin » Oh, My Backon 17 Jan 2009 at 11:08 pm

    […] was back in March of 2007 when I hurt my back the last time. Thursday morning was a rude awakening for me. I woke up to a sore back. It’s […]

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