May 02 2011

Son of a *****

Published by at 12:19 pm under Personal

I was busy working around the house, doing a few repairs which required the use of a hammer. I guess it’s been a while since I swung a hammer because it wasn’t long into the project that I smacked my thumb with the hammer. Ouch. Okay, that wasn’t the actual word that came out of my mouth, but I’m sure you can imagine what it was. I think we’ve all been there. LOL.

Instead of the usual redness and obvious pain, I actually got a blood blister, something I’ve never had before. It’s very strange and is has formed right where the hammer hit my thumb, to the left of the thumbnail (since I’m a right-handed person). You can see a photo of what a blood blister looks like on wikipedia. It’s not very attractive. It is tender to the touch, however.

All of this happened before the evening news when I was shocked to learn of the Osama Bin Laden mission in Pakistan. That was a nice piece of news to go to bed with. A lot of countries have sacrificed a lot of lives and money in the pursuit of this man and I’m glad he’s finally dead. I’m not one to wish bad things to people, but Bin Laden had it coming.

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