Feb 21 2009

Computer Weirdness?

Published by at 11:13 am under Technology

I don’t know how if most people pay attention to the noises their computer makes when it starts up. I used to because I had problems with either a hard drive or a fan that was going bad, but that was a few years ago and with two relatively new machines going, I feel pretty secure with the idea that things are going to be fine for a while.

That changed this morning when I swear I heard two or three beeps when my newest Dell came to POST. POST codes vary from BIOS manufacturer, but I figured it would be a problem with either the RAM or video card… either something’s loose or something else is wrong.

However when the PC booted up fully, I didn’t see any problems at all. The display works and the correct amount of RAM shows up.

After a while, I shut it down and waited ten minutes before turning it back on. Just one beep at POST, just like normal…

Was it a problem with the computer or are my ears playing tricks on me? I don’t know.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Computer Weirdness?”

  1. Railwolfon 23 Feb 2009 at 9:03 pm

    It happens sometimes. If it’s only one time and then it runs fine, I wouldn’t worry about it.

  2. Jameson 24 Feb 2009 at 7:46 am

    I’ve since started it up five or six times and not one problem.

  3. Ogreon 25 Feb 2009 at 5:49 pm

    I remember recently here when my DVD-ROM died. It all started when the computer would sometimes hang on boot before continuing to load after about 40 seconds. Windows would come up and sometimes the drive wouldn’t show, sometimes it would. Then, all together, it stopped working.

    But, the point is, I continually got the pause on load, and the computer was slow. I also had a computer one time where the video card would overheat every once in a while do exactly as yours did. But, the computer would restart on me before it would do any abnormal beep codes.

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