Dec 03 2008

Snow and Exercise

Published by at 9:30 pm under Personal

We got a little snow the other day, maybe two inches or so and another two inches today. It started at about 9-10am this morning and finished in the late afternoon. The flakes this time were quite small but heavy, bending some of the pine tree branches all the way down to the ground.

Before the snow hit this morning, I made it to the gym. I got in early enough to beat some of the morning crowd and put in a solid hour on the elliptical, going a whopping 5.83 miles. I was on pace for 6 miles, but I didn’t feel so good during those last few minutes so I backed off quite a bit. Normally, I go under 4.5 miles in an hour, so I was quite proud of myself with today’s effort. 🙂

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Snow and Exercise”

  1. Ogreon 07 Dec 2008 at 11:06 am

    Wow. You make me feel like a slob. I never go to the gym, nor do I really excercise. I should though. I have “elevated” cholestorol levels. My problem is not the effort that it would take me, but I just find excercise boring. I guess if there was a way of excercising that didn’t feel like excercise I might do it 🙂

  2. Jameson 07 Dec 2008 at 2:18 pm

    The next day I didn’t go nearly as far. My legs were exhausted from the previous day. I don’t think I’ll do that very often. I’ll just have to keep at it.

    You’re right that exercising can be boring. Try a little everything and find what works. One of the things that I like about being a part of a gym is there are other people to watch while you’re on the treadmill/elliptical/etc and there’s usually a pile of magazines or three tvs to watch. There’s plenty to keep me entertained.

    The mind does tend to be get bored and begins to wander when doing those sorts of stationary exercises. I don’t have that so much when weight lifting.

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