Nov 17 2008


Published by at 3:48 pm under Personal

Over the last week or two, we would get just a little bit of snow. It was as though there was a single cloud with snow and it would dump what it had. It was never enough to accumulate and it still isn’t much. Most of it melts once it hits the warmer ground. Today, we got some more and I snapped a photo because it’s the best-looking snowfall so far. Before, you barely saw the flakes – there were so few of them.

It won’t be long before we’re inundated with the white stuff.

One response so far

One Response to “Snow”

  1. Ogreon 19 Nov 2008 at 4:50 pm

    It felt cold enough here today for snow. In fact, the air smelled like snow. But, we’ve got the dry spell going thus far. Here it was in the low thirties and I was walking around with a short sleeve short and no jacket 🙂 And I mean that was outside.

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