May 03 2008’s Announcements

Published by at 6:20 pm under Other

I’ve been a frequent shopper at for quite a while. The prices are usually reasonable, though I usually wait for sales. But one thing [there are several, but I’ll just mention one for today] that bugs me about their site is on the home page, they often have an announcement. It’s not all the time, but when they do have one, it’s up there for a long time and there’s no way to get rid of it to my knowledge.

Right now it has a letter from Jeff Bezos blathering on about their electronic book reader, which from what I’ve heard is a piece of ****, but I can’t find a way to get rid of the damn letter and replace it with the more sales pitches.

If only Amazon would put a little link at the bottom of the letter which would enable normal front-page activity…

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “’s Announcements”

  1. tedderon 03 May 2008 at 9:47 pm

    We used to set up those promo images so they would either show a certain number of times or have a ‘hide’ link. Apparently they aren’t doing that anymore. (the software to display that is/was called amabot, large parts of the site do/did run on it)

    You could always just use AdBlock to block that specific image file..

  2. Jameson 03 May 2008 at 10:03 pm

    I thought there used to be something different because I don’t remember them being this invasive.

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