Feb 09 2007

Hittin The Gym

Published by at 11:37 am under Personal

At the end of January, I decided to sign up at a local gym. I’ve never been in good shape and I figured now is as good as any to start working on it. I’ve since been in about a half dozen times, usually in the morning at about 10 am. The crowd has been pretty much the same group of people… a few women who would appear to be stay-at-home moms, a few college aged men & women, and a few retired folks. They don’t seem to talk with one another very much, which surprised me a bit. The only small talk that seems to take place are between those who came to the gym together. Everybody else either has their iPod or is staring at a TV monitor.

The treadmills are almost always busy when I walk in, which is not surprising, judging by what I’ve heard from others. I generally lift some weights for a while until someone steps off of a treadmill. I haven’t lifted weights regularly since gym class in high school. It’s kind of embarrassing when I see how much strength I’ve lost over the past 8-10 years.

One of the concerns I had with joining a gym was the cleanliness of the place. I’ve seen enough news reports on 20/20, Dateline, etc to know that gyms are full of germs, and not just the typical stuff with mild side effects. Fortunately, I haven’t noticed myself getting sick, but then again, I haven’t been there very long. LOL

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One Response to “Hittin The Gym”

  1. […] mentioned joining a gym a few weeks ago. I’m still going strong, I’m happy to say. I try to visit the gym five […]

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